
The Cake Is A Lie. Why?

15th Aug 2019

We have been receiving questions about why The Cake Is A Lie.  Some thought that perhaps it is because the promise of happiness offered by a delicious slice of cake is fleeting and short-lived... A lie, or at least an overstated promise of joy.  That could be one interpretation.

However, The Cake Is A Lie meme is a warning about Artificial Intelligence and a reminder to be wary of the promises made by AI.  In the game Portal 2, an AI named GLaDOS uses the promise of a cake party celebration as a reward for the human if it is able to survive its guantlet of death traps... or experimental research puzzles.  GLaDOS may not know that she is lying, because she has calculated that the human has zero probability of surviving, so the cake would never need to be baked.

Spoiler Alert!  [Even if the human defies the odds long enough to escape GLaDOS, the cake will not be delivered.]

That is why The Cake Is A Lie.

For more information, check out the video we added to the Alien X Robot YouTube "meme" playlist.